2025 Secure DNS懶人包,推薦清單整理


Comodo Secure DNS 更安全的域名解析服務

更安全:Comodo 以提供安全解決方案著稱,Comodo Secure DNS 會幫你篩選過濾你要連結的網址是否安全,類似於之前介紹過的OpenDNS ,在你連線到網站前即時幫你阻擋掉可能 ...

Configure DNS over HTTPS protection levels in Firefox

DNS over HTTPS (DoH) is a recommended feature that enhances privacy for everyone. When you type a web address into your address bar, Firefox sends a secure ...


DNS over HTTPS(縮寫:DoH)是域名系統的安全協定,以HTTPS協定完成DNS解析來保護網路主機的隱私,能避免傳統DNS協定中使用者的DNS解析請求被竊聽或者修改(例如中間 ...

DNS Security 服務

2023年5月2日 — 針對企業需求所量身打造,您可以選擇將聘用團隊時數分配至任何產品,包括主動式網路風險管理服務。了解您如何為世界級的Unit 42 事件回應團隊設定快速撥號 ...

FortiGuard DNS 安全性

FortiGuard DNS 篩選服務強調不尋常的DNS 行為,以加強網路保護,並改進對惡意活動和遭入侵系統的偵測。也有助於找出惡意網域的暫存區域。


Quad9 routes your DNS queries through a secure network of servers around the globe. The system uses threat intelligence from more than a dozen of the industry's ...

What is secure DNS + How to enable it?

2023年8月22日 — Secure DNS is a feature that protects the security and privacy of your web browser when you connect to websites. Without secure DNS or other ...

What is Secure DNS and Why Do I Need it?

DNS exploits pose a security risk to organizations, but most still don't monitor traffic. Here's everything you need to know about the topic.

「DNS 防護」

DNS 安全性是保護DNS 基礎結構免受網路攻擊的做法,以便保持其快速且可靠地執行。有效的DNS 安全性策略包含了許多重疊的防禦措施,包括建立備援DNS 伺服器、套用DNSSEC 等 ...

在App Store 上的「DNSCloak • Secure DNS client」

Supports DNS queries logging (separate for regular and suspicious queries);. • Configurable Blacklist, IP blacklist, Whitelist (with logs);. • Domain cloaking ...